Dog of the Day

October 4, 2000

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Nikki, the Dog of the Day
Name: Nikki
Age: One year seven months old
Gender: Female Breed: Siberian Husky
Home: Memphis, Tennessee, USA
   This is Nikki. I received her for Christmas of 1998. But how about hearing the whole story? Alright. I had been asking my parents for another dog (Yes we have one other female Siberian Husky who is fourteen years old!) for quite some time. Four years to be exact! When I saw the ad in the paper for "Siberian Husky Puppies Silver and white or Black and white with Blue eyes... call 901-###-#### Humbolt, TN" I just had to show my parents. I did and when they saw it they said they would think about it. Well the next thing I knew my mom was asking me what the number was. I told her and the next thing I knew we were driving up there to pick her out of the bunch. When we got there we were greeted with warm barks from a bunch of sweet huskies. We sat down to look at the seven four-week-old puppies. I had picked out the one I wanted almost as soon as I saw her. She was black and white with a white scarf and blue eyes. Then my mom held up one of the gray ones and I remember her saying "Look at this face!" I looked into her eyes and immediately said she was my puppy. So we drove back home and everyone was all excited. We couldn't wait for my dad to go and pick her up on Christmas Eve. The week before Christmas it snowed and snowed and snowed and we all feared that the roads would be too icy and we weren't going to be able to pick up the puppy on Christmas Eve. But my dad attempted to make the trip anyway. About 3-4 hours later he called and said. "I couldn't make it because a big truck had overturned on the highway slowing down traffic harshly, and I have been waiting here for over two hours. " So we made this plan that the lady who bred my puppy was going to meet us about halfway to Humbolt so we wouldn't have to make the trip again. So I was pretty excited, I would get to hold her the whole way home. Christmas Morning came and after we opened presents and everything my Granny came over to eat breakfast with us. She parked her car and got out. When she came in my mom handed me a card. The card read "Mommy How are you? You can find me out in Granny's car. I need you to love me and give me kisses. " I was totally surprised! Now my "puppy" is all grown up and in search of a mate o father her puppies. She wrote a "want ad" for one too :-)

    Wanted: a Male Siberian Husky of any color to marry me and make some puppies!!

    What's special about her? Notice the spot in the middle of her forehead. It grew darker as she got older. When she was six weeks old the spot was a light tan! Nikki is pretty smart and I think she wants to dig to China. There is a whole in the back yard that is literally four and a half feet deep! But we still love her to pieces!!

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