Dog of the Day

November 16, 2004

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Moose, the Dog of the Day
Name: Moose
Age: Six months old
Gender: Male Breed: Dog
Home: Seattle, Washington, USA
   This is Moose. Everyone we meet tells me that he is the cutest puppy they've ever seen! They all want to know what kind of exotic fancy-schmancy breed he is. I tell them that he is a Lilliputian Himalayan Mountain Meditation Hound, and that he was gift from the Dali Lama. Actually he's a Chihuahua-Min Pin-Pomeranian-Papillon mix. He is extremely smart, playful and affectionate. He loves all other dogs, children and even most adults. He has the highest respect for the authority of our cat Woolfie, however, he does love to terrorize Blanche, who thinks she's the Queen of Everything. He loves to go to the off-leash park and romp with the other canines. He will play with anyone who will pay with him, and is very good at reading the signals from other dogs. If he thinks it is the politically correct thing to do he will flip over on his back and give the other dog his "Do with me what you will" look.

    At this point in his development he is chewing on everything that isn't nailed down (especially socks and soiled underwear) and everything that is. We attend puppy kindergarten where he is at the top of his class and in the fall we are going to take the Canine Good Citizen class which I am sure he will pass with flying colors. Because he is so warm and affectionate and loving, we may tried to get him certified as a therapy dog so he can visit patients in hospitals, nursing homes and other institutions.

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