Dog of the Day

January 15, 2005

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Pepper, the Dog of the Day
Name: Pepper
Age: Eight years old
Gender: Female Breed: Black Labrador Retriever
Home: Vestal, New York, USA
   Pepper is eight years old, but still behaves like a puppy! Her favorite Sunday morning activity is to play her favorite sports at Binghamton University. First thing she does is greet her mommy's friends, Baby Kelly and Sue, by jumping into their car with her favorite ball.

    Pepper's Olympics:
    The first event is Track - she runs around the soccer field, then comes back to have her ball thrown to her over and over, just like the Discus Event. The next trial is Mountain Climbing, where she traverses down the river bank. Then there is a five minute break. Her favorite thing to do during free time is to push her ball under the water then squish the water out with her teeth (she thinks the teeth marks make the ball more aerodynamic). The next event is Swimming. Pepper goes in the nearby pond and swims as far as she can until it's belly deep, then all the way back. Next is Trail Blazing. She makes her way through the woods carrying the biggest stick she can find! She excels in the Long Jump as everyone tries to chase her across the field! Finally she relaxes and lays down in the grass with Baby Kelly and awaits her scores. She wins at everything except the Race Marathon - Kelly always wins that!

    Pepper's Favorite Hobbies:
   Getting presents - stuffed toys, balls, chewies, and Happy Meal prizes
   Destroying all of her new presents
   Burying toys, shoes, and clothes in the snow
   Stealing shoes and hiding them outside her doggy-door
   Practicing "cute eyes" to get food treats
   Break Dancing on her back

    Pepper is the most popular girl on her block. She knows everyone and everyone knows and loves her too!

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