Dog of the Day

January 10, 2006

Today's Dog
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Ginny, the Dog of the Day
Name: Ginny
Age: Four months old
Gender: Female Breed: Chihuahua
Home: Denver, Colorado, USA
   My name is Ginny and I am a calico Chihuahua. I love to have my picture taken and will pose for the camera at any given moment - maybe I don't always hold perfectly still, but I try! I live with my humans and a brother cat named Mr Kitty in Denver, Colorado. I love to run laps around my house and chase Mr Kitty as I try to jump on him. My favorite snack is Crunch N Munch and I will perform many tricks to get it.

    My humans put a bell on me so they will not step on me by accident since I am only two pounds and I move real quick. I love to give lots of sugar, kisses and hugs. And when being ignored, I yap and yap and yap to attract my human's attention. It seems to work at all times. I love to ride in the car on my human's shoulder so I can see the world! Gotta go now, and see what everyone is up to!

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