Dog of the Day

December 22, 2009

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Cali, the Dog of the Day
Name: Cali
Age: Eleven months old
Gender: Female Breed: Pomeranian, Chihuahua mix
Home: Orange County, California, USA
   My family has had Cali for about eleven months now. As sad as it may sound, my brother had bought her with intention to sell her and make profit, without my family knowing about her in the first place. When she first arrived at our house, my mother was quite hesitant about having a dog. However, as time went by, Cali showed us her worthiness of being with our family with her love and joy, causing my whole family to immediately fall in love with her and be attached. With five siblings in the household, Cali seems to be the only one I can really spend time with alone and feel good about myself at the same time. She has this aura to her that makes me feel warm and incredible inside.

    She's a special little girl. It seems as if every time she encounters person, he or she instantly thinks she's the cutest little puppy around. She loves being around people and rarely barks. Out of the countless toys she has, her favorite one is the rope bone. Cali likes to go on walks, getting dressed up, being around people, and of course... sleeping.

Cali, the Dog of the Day
Cali, the Dog of the Day

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