Dog of the Day

January 3, 2010

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Ginger, the Dog of the Day
Name: Ginger
Age: Three years old
Gender: Female Breed: Boxer, Labrador mix
Home: Belton, Texas, USA
   This is the lovely Ginger. We adopted her from Austin Boxer Rescue in Austin, Texas last September. She seemed so sad and confused about losing her family, but they really didn't have time to work with her and give her the attention she needed and deserved. We were lucky enough to enter her life at this time.

    She's an amazingly silly, energetic girl and she's proof-positive that us chubby girls can be athletic too. Ginger loves to run, run, run and she's not afraid to jump off of high places. Loud noises don't scare her either, but she's not totally fearless � a lot of new experiences scare her. Fortunately, once she's figured out that something won't hurt her, the fear is gone. She's now learning dog agility and each obstacle challenged her courage, but she met the challenge and is turning out to be quite the agility dog.

    This silly girl makes us laugh every single day at her antics. She believes her daddy's shoes belong on the window sill and that's where we'll usually find them if they aren't put away properly in a closet. She also loves her squeaky toys and will walk around for several minutes gently squeak, squeak, squeaking her toys. She is always very gentle with her toys and they last forever until her good friend Jessi or her sister Shelby (a lab-chow mix) tears them to pieces. Ginger loves to carry things around. Sometimes it might be clothes or shoes, but once it was even an electric skillet she 'borrowed' from a kitchen counter.

    When Ginger is having a quiet moment, she will sit upright and rest her head on the coffee table. It looks strange, but she does this every day. She loves her daddy above everyone else and when he's home she never takes her eyes off of him. If he leaves the room she has to follow and any time he's there you can see her nearby mooning at him with her amazing big brown eyes.

    Our beautiful girl is a gift every day and we couldn't love her more. We are so blessed that we were chosen to give Ginger her forever home. We may have rescued her, but she has paid us back a thousand-fold with all the love and laughs she has added to our lives. Ginger is our dog of the century!

Ginger, the Dog of the Day
See more images of Ginger!
Ginger, the Dog of the Day
Ginger, the Dog of the Day

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