Dog of the Day

January 5, 2010

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Olive, the Dog of the Day
Name: Olive
Age: Four months old
Gender: Female Breed: Spaniel, Labrador mix
Home: Charleston, South Carolina, USA
   This is my puppy Olive. My boyfriend knew I wanted a dog for several years so for our two-year anniversary I picked her out at the pound. I fell in love with her the moment I met her!

    Olive is half spaniel and half lab and about four months of age. She is special because we love to hang out together and play ball and tug of war. We love going for walks. She is very well behaved. She knows how to sit, stay, and come, very reliably for a young pup. She is curious about everything and loves to follow me and sleep in her doggy bed at night. She brings us a lot of happiness and she always keeps us smiling. She is like our child to us, only with more fur!

Olive, the Dog of the Day

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