Dog of the Day

November 24, 2010

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Abbie, the Dog of the Day
Name: Abbie
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female Breed: German Shorthair Pointer
Home: DuBois, Pennsylvania, USA
   My name is Abbie and I am a German Shorthair Pointer, which means I love to hunt for birds! Hunting season is my favorite time of the year. I spend all my time with Dad, but when it's not hunting season, you can usually find me with Mom. Mom and Dad chose me out of a large litter because of my coloring. All my brothers and sisters are ticked (have spots) and I am solid brown with a few white hairs here and there. They thought that made me special (which I am).

    Not only do I love to hunt, but I love attention! I am very friendly, and love when Mom dresses me up for halloween! I am very lucky, considering Mom and Dad treat me as though as I am a human. There is never a dull moment at my house. I am always full of energy ready to go or do something, whether it's hunting, playing ball, going for a walk, chewing on a bone, or just running around. Sometimes I think Mom and Dad get tired faster than I do, but I always keep them going, that is until we all crash out in bed together!

   Your Friend,

Abbie, the Dog of the Day

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