Dog of the Day

January 24, 2011

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Merlin, the Dog of the Day
Name: Merlin
Age: Nine years old
Gender: Male Breed: Cairn Terrier
Home: Kurrajong, New South Wales, Australia
   This is our very special doggie, Merlin the Great. Merlin was rescued from the pound two years ago, and unfortunately homed in a sad situation of abuse and neglect. A month ago, the decision was made to have him put to sleep as feeding him and caring for him was too much of a chore. However, at the last minute, a phone call was made to the original rescuer who, when hearing of the situation, immediately made arrangements for Merlin to be picked up. He was re-rescued!

    After a month in a foster home where he learned how to be a housedog again, he came to live with us and his Westie sister and brother, Daisy and Ewan McGregor. He has fitted in beautifully. He is a calm, sweet boy, playful and funny with a typical determined Terrier streak. He 'talks' to you with a funny growly voice, especially at dinner time. He loves his food! And he loves his teddy which he carries everywhere with him.

    We love our Merlin the Great. And we thank the Lord for the people who dedicate their lives to rescuing these precious animals. Here's a photo of him with his teddy, which actually happens to be a sheep! Poor Merlin, he's slightly confused, if you tell him to get his teddy, he comes back with a sheep!

Merlin, the Dog of the Day

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