Dog of the Day

February 4, 2012

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Tillymook, the Dog of the Day
Name: Tillymook
Age: 3.5 years old
Gender: Female Breed: Basset Hound
Home: Port Angeles, Washington, USA
   Tilly's full name is Tillymook Cheese. Tilly came to me at three months at age and it has been pure love ever since! She is the Tillymook Cheese to my macaroni. Always ready to be adorned in what are actually toddler's clothing, Tilly does whatever it takes to be the cutest. I keep her by my side at all times, and I find myself lost without her. Her talents vary from sleeping through anything, eating through anything, local baseball team mascot, stealer of any and all hearts, to just plain and simply being the best friend I've ever had.

    Tilly and I can walk in to a room and Tilly is greeted first. She has her own calendar, facebook, and toe nail "pawlish." Never was there a more social dog in all the land!

    I work at a preschool/daycare. In one of our after school programs we have a child enrolled who happens to be disabled. She is in a wheelchair, and since dogs tend to jump on her she has always been deathly afraid of them. This little girl absolutely adores Tilly. She is constantly drawing pictures of her, asking me to bring her to work, and talking about her. Tilly made a break through where no other dog could.

    I can't even look at Tilly without welling up with pride. She evokes feelings of love in me that I've yet to find anywhere else. So until death do us part! Tilly and Laycie, taking on the world!

Tillymook, the Dog of the Day
See more images of Tillymook!
Tillymook, the Dog of the Day
Tillymook, the Dog of the Day
Tillymook, the Dog of the Day
Tillymook, the Dog of the Day

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