Dog of the Day

February 19, 2012

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Lily, the Dog of the Day
Name: Lily
Age: Eighteen months old
Gender: Female Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Home: Seattle, Washington, USA
   This is Lily, our "miracle" corgi. She is definitely a survivor. We got her when she was just eight weeks old.

    Last year, when driving back to Maine for the holidays, we had a terrible auto accident during a snow and ice storm and hit a tree. The car was totaled, we were taken to the hospital and Lily was taken to the local animal shelter. Like my son, she suffered a broken back and broken rear leg. Fearing the worst, and in the hospital myself, a good friend took over Lily's care by phone. She arranged to have her transferred first to a vet in Indiana, then to a specialty clinic in Kentucky that was able to deal with her severe injuries. Lily was only four months old at the time.

    Fortunately the orthopedic vet surgeon was able to operate and inserted steel pins in her spine and repaired her leg. Lily was then transported back to the Indiana vet to heal. After another month of recovery, her steel pins were removed. But the story doesn't end there!

    One of the wonderful staff at East Pines Vet Hospital took a shine to Lily and tracked us down at my son's rehab hospital. On several occasions, she brought her to the rehab facility so we could visit and play with her. Seeing our sweet puppy again certainly sped up our own recovery and made what could have been a difficult Christmas, a very memorable one. When Lily was ready to be released, our new friend volunteered to bring her home to Seattle so she could ride in the plane's cabin instead of the cargo hold. We are so grateful!

    Lily is very affectionate and likes nothing better than a good tummy rub. She loves being with us and would rather be taken along and sit in the car for a couple of hours than be left at home. She has a large car seat now which gets her up to window level so she can see out, and is always strapped in. She was out of her crate in the accident and sitting on my son's lap at the time of the accident because it was so cold. I vaguely remember her flying through the air and hitting the rear view mirror, which I think was what broke her back.

    Her favorite toy, which also survived the crash, is a squeaky chicken! I was able to get it out of the wrecked car, even though I had several broken ribs, and get it to her later at the Indiana vet. Our accident was in Illinois where we were all taken first. The chicken is the one toy she hasn't tried to destroy!

    Occasionally she'll go into her "crazy dog" routine inside the house, sprinting down the hall at full speed, around the coffee table then back down the hall. She does the same in our backyard where she runs around in circles at top speed around you. She is ecstatic when another of her puppy friends visits and the two of them chase each other in circles til they're both exhausted. Her mobility doesn't seem to be affected, though she does tend to hop like a bunny up and down stairs. My son and I have taken a year to get back to good health, but she recovered the quickest, probably because of her young age, so we're all together most of each day. She has tons of energy and now goes to daycare one day a week just to get rid of some of that energy.

    Sorry I couldn't find a good picture of her smiling because she has such a sweet face. Everyone at the Midwest vets fell in love with her and wanted to keep her! In the one picture you can see she has an inflatable blue collar on and the little pink pompom on her back is to protect the steel pins which held her spine together for a couple of months... that was taken last February when she was about six months old and was staying at the Indiana vet. We left her there after our return to Seattle because I wanted the same surgeon in Louisville be the one to remove the pins.

    Thanks to all the extraordinary caring friends, vets and staff, Lily is now totally recovered and a happy, healthy and energetic eighteen-month-old a year later! She loves to play with the neighborhood puppies, but more than anything else, loves to play fetch with her ball. We think she's the most beautiful precious dog in the world!

Lily, the Dog of the Day
Lily, the Dog of the Day

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