Dog of the Day

January 1, 2012

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Lucky, the Dog of the Day
Name: Lucky
Age: Deceased, Twelve years old
Gender: Female Breed: Beagle, Rat Terrier
Home: McHenry, Illinois, USA
   This is Lucky. We met at a local no-kill shelter in suburban Chicago back in January of 2006. She'd been transferred as a stray from the Humane Society in Jackson County, Carbondale, Illinois. Even though she had a serious case of heartworm and was already about six years old, folks could tell she was a special little girl who deserved to be saved.

    Lucky was already housebroken and knew the commands sit, come, stay, and down when she came to live with my husband and me, and she was a good little walker, too. She was a perfect lady and never jumped up on anyone or stole any food, even when whole dinners were left unattended on the coffee table right in front of her. She never barked indoors, either, unless she was dreaming.

    She was very smart, and quick to learn and perform new tricks, too, especially when treats were involved. Her favorite game to play was "Find the Cookie."

    Lucky loved her Greenies and her daily walks in the forest best of all. She was my constant companion and never left my side, and I was always happy to have her there. I've often wondered about her history and how devastated I would have been if I had lost such a wonderful dog.

    Lucky is special to me because of her sweet and gentle spirit. Over the years she taught me to be more patient, compassionate, kind, and forgiving. She also taught me to loosen up and laugh, to worry less and live in the moment more, to be strong and brave when being threatened, and to exercise every day.

    Everyone who met Lucky loved her. Her calm, gentle demeanor, her puppy face, her big brown eyes, and soft, velvety ears compelled children, adults, and elderly alike to love, laugh, and live joyfully in the moment.

    On November 24, 2010, Lucky was diagnosed with terminal cancer. We had to say good-bye to our special little girl on December 28, 2010. I will never forget her, and I will always be grateful for the time we had together. What a blessing Lucky was to me, and I hope, through reading about her, she will be to you, too.

Lucky, the Dog of the Day
See more images of Lucky!
Lucky, the Dog of the Day
Lucky, the Dog of the Day

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