Dog of the Day

January 3, 2012

Today's Dog
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Tawny, the Dog of the Day
Name: Tawny
Age: Eight years old
Gender: Female Breed: Cocker Spaniel, Poodle
Home: Kitchener, Ontario, Canada
   Tawny is the joy of our house. Our eight-year-old girl acts like a puppy most days. She is so smart. She know the names of her toys and she has specific "jobs" around the house that she is very good at. She comes to tell me that the alarm clock is going off or that the smoke alarm is going off. I can send her to tell my husband that dinner is ready and he sends her to tell me to wake up.

    She loves her red ball and plays with her brush so that it becomes tangled in her fur and thinks its attacking her. She enjoys swimming at the lake but is not fond of boating.

    Tawny is fiesty when you first meet her. She's loud and likes to yell her hellos to you. She's funny and percocious. We call her Mischief Maker. One of her favorite ways of getting attention is to pull envelopes from the waste basket and parade them in front of you. Then you chase her until she gives it up in exchange for a treat. She steals my socks and slippers and runs away with them. She hang around the dryer so she can score dryer sheets.

    Tawny knows a few tricks. She shakes a paw and gives high-fives and when I say "pretty paw" she lifts her paw and shows me how pretty it is. She sure is loved, and knows it!

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