Dog of the Day

January 11, 2012

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Wiley, the Dog of the Day
Name: Wiley
Age: Four years old
Gender: Male Breed: Chihuahua
Home: Napa, California, USA
   This is Wile E. Coyote, supa genius, Wiley for short. Wiley was abandoned outside a pet store. My partner found him at 6:00 in the morning, tied to a lampost on the coldest day of the year. He took him inside the building and the SPCA never came to pick him up. After three days he brought him home. We were worried that our two chow chow mixes would not like him, but the three bonded on the first day alone. One year to the day later, my partner died in his sleep unexpectedly, so now it is just the four of us. Wiley has to... and I mean has to cuddle.

    I think his best trick is the one he taught himself, which is waking me on the couch to make me go to bed so he can cuddle under the blanket. He tries to rule the roost. Inside the house he defers to the oldest dog Chesty (the multicolor) and outside he runs along side Chewie (the big red one). Part of my joy is to watch him being so independent when he is very shy. He barks at everybody at the dog park to stay away, and then jumps on my lap and cuddles up. If he stands on his back legs and turns he looks just like Wile E. Coyote, which is why we named him that!

Wiley, the Dog of the Day Wiley, the Dog of the Day

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