Dog of the Day

January 14, 2012

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Monty, the Dog of the Day
Name: Monty
Age: Six years old
Gender: Male Breed: French Bulldog
Home: Long Island, New York, USA
   Hi! Monty is our world. We love him very much. He is a very funny dog that is constantly making us laugh.

    He loves dirty socks and has a thing about hiding them. He loves caramel popcorn! He is very gentle with me, his mom and rougher with my husband in a funny way. But loves to run around until he tires himself out which doesn't take much because he is truly lazy. But one thing for sure is he loves to lay in the sun. There could be shade all over but he will manage to find the only spot with a little sun and lay there as if he's on vacation.

    He really is a special dog. He is definitely a snorer. It can be nice and quiet as we're sleeping and the only sound you hear is Monty snoring. Which helps because there was a time that I always wanted a fan on or a tv on when I went to bed, but his snoring is just perfect now. He snores us to sleep!

    He loves to play with us by giving us his toys and we hide it under our arm or shirt and he goes nuts looking for it. He loves that! I was trying to get into a fast walking routine last year and thought it would be nice to take him with me so he can get exercise too, but after 25 minutes he would just sit on the sidewalk no matter where we were and nudge me to go back home. So he's not a very active dog but likes to go with us no matter where we go.

    It's so funny but no matter where he is you can put your hand under his chin and he'll just lay it on there and fall asleep... he just goes into a deep, snoring sleep so fast. It's very funny! I hope you find him special as we do!!

Monty, the Dog of the Day
See more images of Monty!
Monty, the Dog of the Day
Monty, the Dog of the Day

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