Dog of the Day

October 7, 2012

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Bosephus, the Dog of the Day
Name: Bosephus
Age: Four years old
Gender: Male Breed: American Staffordshire Terrier
Home: Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
   This is Bosephus, known as Bo for short. I first met Bo three years ago. My mother's boyfriend Mark was over at a buddies house and saw the conditions Bo was in. He was malnourished and living in a garage surrounded by filth. He calmly asked his friend if he could have the dog since he was serving no purpose in their home. The friend thankfully obliged kindly.

    Bo was brought home and from the get go we knew he was special. He was calm and oddly friendly. He knew simple commands like sit, come and lay. With practice he quickly picked up on stay, paw, catch, beg pretty, and other tricks to work his mind. Due to his fun loving and caring nature he was soon sent to be tested to become a therapy dog. He passed everything with flying colors but unfortunately he failed the last test. He looked at a passing dog (without leaving his spot).

    We caught wind of Colerain Township beginning the process to ban Pit Bull type dogs in the area. We quickly formed a rally group to protest outside of the Council Hall. The news was there documenting it. Bo got to meet some of the Representatives and they got to see that not all Pit Bull type dogs are mean and vicious dogs. He appears in one of the photos with one of the news cameramen inside the news van. Thanks to Bo and other supporters the ban was revoked.

    After about a year we got some news that Mark would be leaving the state to care for his father. So Bo was left in my care and we have been inseparable for about two years now. He loves all animals. He loves becoming a father figure to small critters. He has taken the role over puppies, rats, kittens, a skunk, and a rabbit. He loves going to my work and seeing the horses as well as letting my pet snake crawl on him. There is not an animal Bo has yet to encounter that he does not like. He is off leash trained and walks like an angel when on lead. He is all bark and no bite. He looks tough but he is a big baby. He refuses to be out in the rain (cold water is evil) and he does not like when grasshoppers jump on him (he usually takes off running).

    I wanted to share his story because even with his painful background he has been and continues to be an amazingly happy dog that has been my most loyal friend. Everyone that meets him have had only nice things to say about him. On top of all this he is what society calls a "Pit Bull" although he is of course a proud American Staffordshire Terrier in reality.

Bosephus, the Dog of the Day See more images of Bosephus!
Bosephus, the Dog of the Day
Bosephus, the Dog of the Day
Bosephus, the Dog of the Day
Bosephus, the Dog of the Day
Bosephus, the Dog of the Day
Bosephus, the Dog of the Day

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