Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Tawni, the Dog of the Day
Name: Tawni
Age: Six months old
Gender: Female Breed: Labrador mix
Home: Spanaway, Washington, USA
   This is Tawni, we got her such a short time ago, and her first vet trip we were told she had a heart murmur. I, of course was heartbroken, she is my first dog that is really mine. However we went to another vet who informed us that it was minimal but we had to keep an eye on it. She acts as healthy as ever, she's happy and active. And we're confident that on her next vet trip, that murmur will be gone. We lost our other dog Monty due to old age, he was a fifteen-year-old Schipperke. Tawni's been there for us, she's really helping all of us through the loss of him I feel. She's a great dog, and we love her more than anything, I can only hope the best for the condition of her heart. She's so smart, been through puppy school and she was the top of her class. Although not much of a barker, she's come to be very attached and protective of me. Tawni sleeps in my bed with me and if someone tries to come into my room in the middle of the night she barks loudly until she sees it's just a family member. But if it were a stranger, it's good to know that she would be there.

    She doesn't know any tricks yet, we'll get to those after we perfect her basic commands. She's strong at weighing over 40 pounds, though it has been a while since we last had her weighed. She likes to rip out the grass in the yard for some reason, she always has. We make fun of her, saying she's half goat. Tawni loves tug of war, wrestling, and although she's not much of a fan of water but we're getting her warmed up to it slowly. My dad nicknamed her buffalo 'cause of her size and being that she's only gonna get bigger. She gets really overexcited, especially around kids and tends to jump on them, so we're working on that and teaching her to ignore my nephew. She loves to lick, and snuggle up close whenever you're lying down. She also has something I've been told is just a puppy phase, where she gets a burst of energy and runs around the house or yard like crazy, it's hilarious. She loves to play with ice cubes, and is really bad about giving up the toy once she brings it back to you when we're trying to play fetch. The keep-away game is something she's a master at. I love her, I don't know what I'd do without her.

Tawni, the Dog of the Day
See more images of Tawni!
Tawni, the Dog of the Day
Tawni, the Dog of the Day

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