Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
King King, the Dog of the Day
Name: King King
Age: Deceased, Seventeen and a half years old
Gender: Male Breed: Shih Tzu
Home: Hong Kong
   This is my beloved doggie, King King, he's been with me since 1995. King King was not only part of my family, he was even a trustworthy companion in my life. I don't even know how to begin and express my love for King King. He was the cuddliest, most hardy, adorable, smart and sweetest dog I've ever met. As he had a great and stable, calm temperament, he was very affectionate, easygoing with everyone. He became a therapy dog for over fifteen years, and I was proud of him for doing a good job. With every and all visits & welfare activities, he invariably brought people lots of hope, love and happiness.

    I was very lucky to have such best buddy with me to brighten up my life. He not only taught me about Animal Therapy, but I also benefited greatly from his support all the time. He was a good and patient listener when I'd had some difficulties in past years, his role as a psychologist made me smile even when I was down. Indeed, he role as my soul mate was to share my joyful mood when I felt happy, too.

    Although he passed away for year, he still has been my ray of sunshine. I do believe that he lives happily and freely at rainbow bridge now. He is the most special dog and best buddy in my heart that will be ever lasting in my memories.

   My dearest King King, I miss and love you forever!

King King, the Dog of the Day
See more images of King King!
King King, the Dog of the Day
King King, the Dog of the Day

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