Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Maui, the Dog of the Day
Name: Maui
Age: Six and a half months old
Gender: Male Breed: White German Shepherd
Home: USA
   Maui is a very happy boy. A little over 70 pounds (32 kg) at six months old already! My mother had wanted to get a dog to do therapy with such as bringing one to elderly homes and people with illness or injuries. After seeing me go through pain from my mild Traumatic Brain Injury her inspiration for training a therapy dog rose through the roof. I was willing to train him and she would take over when I was too ill.

    It's been nearly seven months that I've had side effects from my brain injury and I have also developed slight post traumatic stress. Multiple dog trainers suggested registering Maui as a service dog. He's in training and is doing so well for the past two months of having him licensed.

    In late September I went to a fair and their was 40,000+ people at a fair and I became incredibly ill, I was shaking, forgot where I was and I just shut down. I waited near the back of the fair with my dad and my mom brought Maui an hour later. He really helped me calm down and I was able to walk certain parts of the fair with minimal tremors and head pains.

    I love Maui and so do all my friends. He is extra kind with older people and those with missing limbs or disabilities. He just senses it! Maui is really my super hero like Bolt! :) In case you are wondering, I put on black hair spray with a stencil I made on his side so he could be Bolt for Halloween!

Maui, the Dog of the Day
See more images of Maui!
Maui, the Dog of the Day
Maui, the Dog of the Day

Talk about today's dog in Pet Talk!

Zeitgeist the Irish Setter Charley the Miniature Schnauzer, Poodle Katy the Labrador Retriever mix Louie the Pug Snickers the Tibetan Spaniel Dodger the Australian Shepherd Emily the Miniature Schnauzer mix Baby Bear the Pitbull
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