Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Mia Grace, the Dog of the Day
Name: Mia Grace
Age: One and a half years old
Gender: Female Breed: Schnauzer, Yorkshire Terrier mix
Home: North Dakota, USA
   This is Mia Grace dressed in her witch costume getting ready for Halloween! She is one half Miniature Schnauzer and one half Yorkshire Terrier, but is 100% a good girl.

    Mia is a therapy pet, she goes and visits the elderly and disabled. She is just the right size to be not scary for anyone, and it is wonderful to see the people's faces light up when she comes through the door. She is quick to learn and happy to please just about anyone. She is a also great companion for her owner, who has helped keep her happy and healthy. Mia loves going to the dog park, playing with other dogs and she will even play with cats.

Talk about today's dog in Pet Talk!

Amber the Terrier mix Brody the English Springer Spaniel Peanut the Chihuahua Koda the Husky mix Daisy the Keeshond, Golden Retriever mix Zeitgeist the Irish Setter Charley the Miniature Schnauzer, Poodle Katy the Labrador Retriever mix
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