Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Bronco the English Bulldog, the Dog of the Day
Name: Bronco
Age: Six months old
Gender: Male Breed: English Bulldog
Home: Cabot, Arkansas, USA
   Bronco Dave Davis is a six-month-old English Bulldog. Sometimes he seems human. He is quite appreciative of music. I give piano lessons and he loves to sit outside my piano room and listen to the music. I can't let him in because he gets too excited and hyper with my students.

     I let him lay on the couch, but only on the large throw. Sometimes he wants to pull it back and I always put it back over the sofa arm. One day we came in from running errands and he was so glad to see us that after bringing us a toy in his mouth (as he always does when we come home), he got the throw in his mouth and pulled it back over like I always do.

     I have taught him to sit and stay. When he is doing something bad, I scold him in a soft voice, (most of the time) make him look me in the eye and shame him. He usually stops (like he is ashamed) and straightens up. He loves to play chase the ball and bring it back. When he brings it back he won't let go. Bulldogs get tired easy so the game don't last long because he stretches out on the floor to revive himself for awhile.

     He is very good about sleeping all night and most of the time will sit under the table while we eat. Every morning he quietly sits by my husband while he drinks his coffee. The only way I can see him smile is to tickle his stomach while he is on his back. Bulldogs always have the sad look. Sometimes he acts crazy. He takes off running for a few minutes, then has to lay down and rest. Most of the time he is a lazy quiet dog, unless he isn't getting the attention he wants, then he lets us know. He is a loving, people's dog. He usually minds me when I say, "Get a drink of water", or "It's bedtime, go to sleep", or "Let's go outside".

     He will drink lots of water and you can hear him all over the house. Then he burps real loud. He also likes to bark at anything that he hasn't seen before.

     We love him. We have to e-mail pictures to our grown kids all the time. He has grown so fast the last five months. He loves to chew on doggy bones. I will pick up his toys and put them up and he will take them right back out like he is saying, "Don't mess with my stuff".

     Bronco is the greatest!

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