Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Little Raab the Terrier mix, the Dog of the Day
Name: Little Raab
Age: Four months old
Gender: Male Breed: Terrier mix
Home: San Antonio, Texas, USA
   My puppy is Little Raab. He is about fifteen weeks and was the chunkiest cutest baby of his bunch. He is super playful and loves other dogs. He's the best little shadow because he follows you absolutely everywhere you go. He is the best cuddle bugg and will find a way to cuddle up next to you. (:

     Little Raab's personality is loving and independant he loves being around people and he'll find a way to get your attention, whether it's by chasing his tail or jumping on your lap. He can be independent also, by playing with favorite chew toys like his bones or his ropes. He also playing with his now big sister Sadie who is a German Shepherd mix. He loves play wrestling and chasing her around in our backyard.

Little Raab the Terrier mix, the Dog of the Day Little Raab the Terrier mix, the Dog of the Day

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