Dog of the Day
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Dog of the Day
Today's Dog of the Day
Blackie the Chihuahua, the Dog of the Day
Name: Blackie
Age: Eight years old
Gender: Male Breed: Chihuahua
Home: Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
      We got Blackie from a biker bar, he and his litter were posted on Craigslist. My sisters and I always wanted a dog so we convinced our mom to get him so we drove about an hour away. He was placed in a cardboard box, he was the runt of the litter. Even though he was the tiniest he had the most spunk.

     Blackie is a very loving dog even though he was a wild child in his puppy years. He has developed into an intelligent dog who knows many tricks. Even though he's getting up there in years he acts just like a puppy when we take him on a walk or a car ride (which is his favorite thing to do). Blackie is a typically Chihuahua - fierce and loyal, even though he has a big heart for people he's a ladies man. He's not very fond of guys, which is why he might bark at them. But I tell all the dudes, he's all bark and no bite. Blackie is a lover boy he enjoys being lazy around the house and getting pet by all everyone.

     My most prominent memory of him is when he was just a puppy. We loved to walk him around the block and take him to our local park. So when we got back from school he bolted out of our home down the street. He was fast for his size. And we ran after him, and as we followed him we noticed he ran to the park just to use the restroom. As he finished we just caught up to him and he just started to walk home with us.

     Blackie is my baby. He's a magical, beautiful adorable little boy who stole my heart. I love him with all my heart and soul.

Blackie the Chihuahua, the Dog of the Day
Blackie the Chihuahua, the Dog of the Day
Blackie the Chihuahua, the Dog of the Day
Blackie the Chihuahua, the Dog of the Day
Blackie the Chihuahua, the Dog of the Day
Blackie the Chihuahua, the Dog of the Day
Blackie the Chihuahua, the Dog of the Day

Talk about Blackie in Pet Talk!

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