Dog of the Day

September 23, 1998

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WanChai, the Dog of the Day
Name: WanChai
Age: One year old
Gender: Female
Breed: Miniature Pinscher
Home: Singapore
   The special part of my pet is that she understands English and my grandma's dialect. If I give her a bone and she doesn't bring it to her house to eat, I will say "WanChai, go to your house and eat!" She then brings her food to her house to eat. She also knows who loves her and who doesn't. She also likes to sleep in a zircon room. I bought her when she was about seven weeks old. She likes to play with my children.

    The funny part is that WanChai knows when I have school or when I do not. Every morning, when I am going to school, she will quickly run to my room to hide till I come back from school.

    She is also very protective of people around her. And do not provoke her when she is eating or else she will think that you are trying to snatch her food from her.

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