Dog of the Day

November 16, 1999

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Kuma, the Dog of the Day
Name: Kuma
Age: Fourteen years old
Gender: Male Breed: Akita
Home: Surrey, British Columbia, Canada
   This is Kuma, our wonder dog. Everywhere he goes people fall in love with him. Whether it's just from his majestic appearance, sad looking eyes and incredible color or, for people who know him better, his impeccable behavior. When we are out for our walks we are constantly stopped by people who want to pet him or just ask questions because they haven't seen an Akita before.

    Kuma has the most gorgeous soft fur and incredibly expressive eyes. He loves to romp and play and we are always amazed how such a big dog can run around a house so fast and never knock anything over. He also loves to box with his buddy RJ (our cat) and he is very gentle with his big paws. His favorite spot to sleep when we are away is on our bed. He will never go on our bed even if we beg him to but the minute we step out the front door he's upstairs and on the bed. One time we played a trick on him by waiting outside the house for five minutes then tiptoeing back in and upstairs. He was already stretched out on our bed fast asleep and didn't even hear us come in.

    Before we found Kuma, we had been looking for a puppy for about six months and although puppies are all so very adorable, we just hadn't come across a situation where we thought to ourselves that, yes, this is the right puppy for us. Then, one day while in a pet store we were looking through some books on dogs and came across one on Akitas. The picture immediately caught our attention so we bought the book, took it home and read it. After reading the book we picked up a newspaper and called the only ad there was for Akita puppies. Since there were only two left we rushed right over. When we rang the door bell the two most adorable puppies we had ever seen ran up to the screen door to greet us. It was love at first sight and, to make a long story short, Kuma came home with us. We ended up with the most wonderful companion we could have ever hoped for and, although this breed is not for everyone, we will always have a great love and respect for these magnificent dogs.

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