Dog of the Day

October 24, 1999

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Stormie, the Dog of the Day
Name: Stormie
Age: One year old
Gender: Female Breed: Yellow Lab
Home: Okinawa, Japan
   My one year old dog Stormie is a very little yellow lab (50 pounds). We live in Okinawa, Japan. The thing is, seven years ago my husband fell in love with my friend Anns' dog Jill (a blonde lab). When we moved to England I decided to get him a blonde lab. I did buy him a purebred and she was the only blond among four black labs. Of course she turned out to be yellow and when she was about a year old I found a lump on her leg and took her to the vet. Unfortunately it turned out she had a tumorous leg and it was inoperable. It didn't matter, we still acted as if she was a normal dog and let nothing stand in her way. As long as she was happy, so were we. We kept our Dusty for two countries and five years before at long last she needed to be relieved of her misery. She was a fighter and I really believe she kept us company and kept her spunk because she was treated just like any other member of the family.

    When we had to put down our sweet young dog it left such a void in our lives. One year later when we arrived Japan and we couldn't have a pup or dog because it's so expensive to rent if you have a pet. Finally, when we could afford to have a pet and I immediately started searching the papers until I found my Stormie, a little yellow lab the family couldn't keep because they said she was making their other little lab sick by just being there. They said the little one was throwing up because he was jealous of Stormie. Let me tell you my husband and I fell in love and our Stormie is the most happy, content, and not to mention the fact that she potty trained herself, the most obedient (although not perfect by far) dog I've ever had. She really "makes all my days."

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