Dog of the Day

February 15, 2000

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Angel, the Dog of the Day
Name: Angel
Age: Three years old
Gender: Female Breed: Yorkie, Chihuahua Mix
Home: Fullerton, California, USA
   Angel is my three-year-old Yorkie Chihuahua mix, weighing in at seven pound (a pound overweight). We love dogs and have two others a Terripoo and a Schipperke. All three of them are not really dogs they are our children, very spoiled, intelligent and control us like children usually do, But that's ok cause we love them. Angel is a little beggar and house cleaner she will sit up on her hind legs and beg for a piece of jerky. When she was six weeks old she would chew on pencils. Being afraid she would get lead poisoning, we conned her into giving us the pencil for a piece of jerky. Now she will pick up anything on the floor and bring it to us for a piece of jerky, she will even pickup a piece of thread 1/2" long and bring it to us just to get a reward. She loves to be loved and we love to love her.

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