Dog of the Day

October 1, 2000

Today's Dog
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Billy, the Dog of the Day
Name: Billy
Age: Five years old
Gender: Male Breed: Australian Shepherd
Home: California, USA
   It was clear that something had to be done. The ranch was under attack. Since the demise of our first ranch manager, an old Aussi dog named Koolie, the place had fallen on hard times. A gang of foxes had raided the chicken yard and the only bird remaining was Bo. Once the grand master of his flock, now a traumatized bachelor. The miscreant didn't dare attack the geese. Had they tried, there would have been fox parts all over the place. Then to make matters worse, the shop was burglarized. Thieves made off with most of our hand tools and equipment. Shortly there after the house was hit. Fortunately we had installed an alarm and the thieves were frightened off. Things like that didn't happen when Koolie was on the job. Besides, it was darn lonely around the place with no one to greet us when we got home, pester us to play ball or tug-o-war, or go for rides in the pickup. Not only that; a ranch just isn't a ranch without a dog.

    All of that was five years ago, although it seems like yesterday. That's when handsome, debonair, Twin Oaks Billabong Bandit, aka Billy, was signed on. Since then it's been peace in the valley. Billy is pure Australian Shepherd. Bred for work, he'll tell you he is not one of those prissy show dogs, he has taken on his managerial responsibilities with exuberance and enthusiasm. Always alert for intruders, be they two- or four-legged, afoot or in vehicles, he will sound the alarm and hunt you down wherever you are to let you know something is amiss. Is the phone ringing or the answering machine going? It's Billy who will alert you. He is on good terms with all the ranch cats but should there be a feline disagreement, Billy is always there to break it up. No fighting allowed here. Do you need cheering up or someone to play ball, tug-o-war, or wrestle with? Billy is your man. Oh, are you going to Taco Bell? Well, let me tell you, this Aussi will give that Mexican Chihuahua a run for his money when it comes to Taco Bell. Any opportunity to ride along with our daughter-in-law to Taco Bell and get his very own taco is the highlight of his day. It isn't all junk food either. He stays fit and trim on his favorite dog food and biscuits for snacks.

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