Dog of the Day

September 11, 2001

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Rocky, the Dog of the Day
Name: Rocky
Age: Three years old
Gender: Male Breed: Miniature Pinscher
Home: Oviedo, Florida, USA
   My wife bought Rocky from a breeder shortly after meeting me. He was named after my favorite movie Rocky, and he fits that description perfectly. Although he barely weighs eight pounds, he thinks he can take on the world. He is our little tough guy. Throughout the day, he spends the day following my every move. Sometimes by my feet, but mostly being carried like a little baby. At night, he cuddles with us in bed and basically just hogs the whole bed. For being as small as he is, its hard to imagine but he manages. I know this all sounds very crazy, and how can we let this little tiny dog get away with all this stuff? Well, shortly after getting him, he was diagnosed with a heart murmur and pulmonary stenosis. This prevents him from acting like a regular dog as we have to keep his activity level down, because if he gets overexcited, he passes out. He has lived longer than the doctors thought he would live, and every day he lightens up our day with his bright eyes and with his daily antics. He can spend the day in the pool with us or he is just as happy sleeping as long as we are within eye range. To know Rocky is to love Rocky.

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