Dog of the Day

March 4, 2002

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Cletus, the Dog of the Day
Name: Cletus
Age: Seven months old
Gender: Male Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
Home: College Station, Texas, USA
   Cletus is a very special puppy. My parents got him for me as a present and I was unable to keep him in my apartment with me at College, so they kept him for me for four months. I came home every weekend to check on him, and now while I'm in Denver for an internship, I actually get to take care of him. We're renting a room from a lady who has two 90 pound golden retrievers and I was really worried that they wouldn't get along, but the first thing Cletus did when he met them was run straight up to them and kiss them on their noses. Ever since they've been the best of friends. Cletus is learning how to act like a Retriever, as well. He fetches with the best of them and even steals toys away from the big dogs every now an then.

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