Dog of the Day

October 31, 2002

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Sophie, the Dog of the Day
Name: Sophie
Age: One year, seven months old
Gender: Female Breed: Pug
Home: Shell Rock, Iowa, USA
   Hi! This is Sophie, she is quite the daddy's girl. She's all ready for Halloween in her pumpkin outfit! She loves to go on trips, goes on vacation and helps her daddy drive the boat when fishing! She's a big big girl as her daddy says and always brings a smile to everyone!

    Sophie is the apple of our eyes. She is very affectionate and her nightly routine is to give doggie kisses to her daddy - sometimes lasting for up to twenty minutes!!! We take her to the assisted living housing in town to visit her two grandfathers, who are residents. The residents know her by name and she loves everyone and bring smiles to everyone who sees her. Yes, she goes on fishing vacations and drives the boat for her daddy. She knows when her mommy is to be home from work and greets her at the door with her curly tail wagging and kisses. Her favorite trick is "keep away" when getting ready to go outdoors for her walks. We had another "muttley" dog for seventeen years and when she died we said no more dogs. When we saw her, we couldn't resist. We love her all to pieces and she loves us back a million times more!

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