Dog of the Day

February 8, 2003

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Malibu, the Dog of the Day
Name: Malibu
Age: Four years old
Gender: Female Breed: Samoyed
Home: Melbourne, Australia
   Hi, this is Malibu and she is extremely special to me and my husband as she was a wedding present from my Mum & Dad. She was the best gift we could have ever received. We spent our whole honeymoon talking about her and trying to think of a name. We were so excited we couldn't wait to come home. She has an older brother Jack, a german shepherd cross who tolerated her while she was jumping all over him for the first few months. She loves to bark at me from the time I get home from work until I take her and her brother for their nightly run. We love to watch her sleep on her back as she tries to cool herself down, she looks very cute! She has a beautiful smiley face and loves to be with us, especially in the car where she loves to hang out the window and feel the wind in her fur.

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