Dog of the Day

March 31, 2003

Today's Dog
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Grindle, the Dog of the Day
Name: Grindle
Age: Three years old
Gender: Female Breed: Swiss Cattle Dog
(Entlebucher Sennenhund)
Home: Algonquin, Illinois, USA
   Grindle is a member of a working dog breed. She has boundless energy, and if we had the energy, she would play frisbee all day long. Her breed is not known as Frisbee dogs but she has become quite proficient at it. When we get tired of playing, she sometimes tosses it in the air for herself, and prances proudly across the yard.

    She is a very affectionate dog and has gotten used to sleeping with us and her sister Davos in the waterbed at night. He expressions are priceless and are unique to her various moods, showing different faces for Hunger, Playtime, Mischief or fatigue. She only barks when appropriate to alert us to something odd; or strangers around the house. She is truly a member of the family.


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