Dog of the Day

May 30, 2003

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Poppy, the Dog of the Day
Name: Poppy
Age: Eighteen months old
Gender: Female Breed: Yorkshire Terrier mix
Home: London, England
   Poppy was found wandering on the streets of London when she was just four weeks old. She was taken to Battersea Dogs Home where she was rehomed with us aged six weeks. At first she was very unwell with kennel cough, but coming to her new home and getting attention 100% of the time made her better in no time flat. Poppy is a little princess. She comes everywhere with her Mummy. She adores people, especially children and expects every-one in the street to stop and say hello to her! I don't think Poppy really knows she is a dog, I think she sees herself as a little girl. She is the most special little sweetheart in the whole world and her Mummy loves her very much. Poppy even has her own website.

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