Dog of the Day

October 19, 2003

Today's Dog
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Donner, the Dog of the Day
Name: Donner
Age: Four months old
Gender: Male Breed: Dog
Home: California, USA
   Donner is one of five puppies from an orphaned litter. Our family fostered these puppies from one day old complete with bottle feeding and all. We hadn't intended on keeping any of the pups, but have ended up keeping two one of which is Donner. We found out that Donner is deaf and partially blind. We wanted him to be loved despite his challenges and so we decided to keep him with his brother Jack. We are training Donner with sign language. He is very smart and although he weighs in around 35# right now and will grow to be around 120# if he is a Dane he loves to lay in your lap. We love Donner and his brother very much as well as our other two dogs and cats! Donner is a reminder that physical challenges do not equal the inability to love and be loved!

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