Dog of the Day

June 8, 2004

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Docker, the Dog of the Day
Name: Docker
Age: Two and a half years old
Gender: Male Breed: Dog
Home: Los Angeles, California, USA
   Hi. My name is Docker, but my owner Kari calls me Dockeroo, or Boo. I dont know why, but I still like it. I am a very special pup because i always have a huge smile on my face. My birthday is New Year's Eve. Just like my owner. I am very very very hyper and love to play ball. I'm like Air-Bud, I play Soccer, Softball, Basketball, Football, Frisbee, and whatever else comes my way. I am very well trained, and that's because I'm so close to my big sis Kari that I listen to whatever she says. Since I'm mostly Jack Russell Terrier, I jump really high and run really fast. When it's bed-time, I can't go to sleep without being under the covers. I dig, until I'm under and then it's dark and warm enough for me to fall asleep. Oh ya, and I also have to be side by side with my big sister Kari or else I get upset. Oh ya, I forgot to tell ya ... I love the beach. Here in L.A., we don't have to go that far, it's only about an hour to the beach. I love walks, going for rides, and running on the beach with Kari.

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