Dog of the Day

September 8, 2004

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Brie, the Dog of the Day
Name: Brie
Age: Ten months old
Gender: Female Breed: Boxer, Lab mix
Home: Saline, Michigan, USA
   My name is Brie. My mother passed away when I was only one week old. I was very lucky to be adopted by a fun, loving, young couple. They take me out to play every day with all my friends. I am lucky enough to have all the toys in the world. I extremely cuddly and don't think twice about curling up in the couch or bed!

    I have learned to do many tricks. When my master puts a hand up in the air I give "five" and when they put up both hands I give "ten". I know how to rollover and I love to play fetch. I love to sleep with my stuffed animals. From the first night my masters brought me home, they put me in my house with a large white bear named Bear, a white duck named Fluffy. I still sleep with my animals.

    I have different expressions depending on my mood. If I'm excited I have my boxer ears on. When I'm mellow I have cute, floppy lab ears. In this picture, I have my boxer ears on. One of my favorite activities is to go boating. My masters and I love to jump off the boat and swim in the lake. They help me back on and throw a ball for me to fetch. Thank you to my masters for making my life so enjoyable!!

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