Dog of the Day

April 19, 2005

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Ursula, the Dog of the Day
Name: Ursula
Age: Ten months old
Gender: Female Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Home: Kenbridge, Virginia, USA
   I am a foster mom for rescued puppies in our area. We make sure these pups are healthy, had their first shots, dewormed, and healthy skin. Then these pups are sent to a shelter in Massachusetts where they are spayed or neutered and ready for adoption. With the spay neuter rules so strict there, they do not have an over abundance of unwanted puppies like we do down south. So it is a win-win situation. We find good homes for these sweet innocent pups and they are able to adopt wonderful little bundles of fur. We send forty puppies a week to Massachusetts for adoption. Check out our Homebound Hounds on their website.

    I heard of two shepherds (six months old) needing homes, so I went to look ... beautiful. One of these lovely dogs did go north for adoption ... but Ursula found a special place in my heart. If I was ever to own a GSD, it would be the silver and black coloring, there was my special dog. I tentatively schedule her to go north, then I just don't follow through. I know she is here to stay with us.

    A funny thing she does has to do with shoes. No, she does not destroy them, she just collects them. We live on a farm and have to pull boots and old shoes on and off a lot. If we leave our shoes near the front door, we better be ready to find them in the yard somewhere. Now that it is getting colder (late October, 2004) we invite her to stay inside at night. She does not go into the bedrooms but stays in the living room area. She must be nocturnal, because when we get up in the morning it is to find every shoe we own in the living room with her. As we entered the living room in the morning each person in the family said "Ursula has been busy".

    She is loving and lovable. For a dog that ran free as a bird on a farm for the first six months of her life, she has adapted to being an inside and outside dog quite nicely.

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