Dog of the Day

April 24, 2005

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Peggy, the Dog of the Day
Name: Peggy
Age: Six and a half years old
Gender: Female Breed: Dog
Home: San Diego, California, USA
   Hello there - this is our lovely Miss Peggy the Princess! Actually, it's just "Peggy" but she is, indeed, quite the little Princess! Peggy is a mixed breed who we rescued from the Humane Society over five years ago. Peggy lives in San Diego, California with her step-brother, Dante (a six-year-old Beagle) and her human companions (that would be my husband and me). Peggy is special and spoiled in many ways but the most important reason of all is that she only has three legs. When we rescued her, she had just lost her back left leg to, what we assume, was a car accident. We were told that animal control had found her and the wound was approximately three days old at the time. For weeks, they attempted to save her leg but the damage was just too bad, so they amputated and named her Peggy (yes, pun intended)!

    Peggy is completely "handicapable," as my friends say. She loves nothing more than running, full speed, on the beach. Every time we are there someone will comment on how fast she is and that they didn't even notice, until she stopped running, that she was missing a leg. She loves chasing after the big dogs, catching up to them and showing them that she isn't letting a little thing like missing a leg slow her down! Peggy has to be one of the sweetest dogs I've ever met and yet, she is our little huntress. She has protected our back yard from many a possum and field mouse and has a bark like a Rotweiler that wards off any unwanted guests. Peggy eats her dinner one kibble at a time, lying on the bed or the couch with her front legs crossed (a very Princess-like pose)! Peggy has made the perfect companion for Dante and is definitely the alpha in their relationship. Dante is truly my baby and is also incredibly special to us and I know he is happy that we found Peggy.

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