Dog of the Day

August 2, 2005

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Dominoe, the Dog of the Day
Name: Dominoe
Age: Five years old
Gender: Male Breed: Dalmatian
Home: Missouri, USA
   This is Dominoe. He is a five-year-old Dalmatian whom we rescued from a bad situation when he was about five months old. He is kind of a shy guy with much love to give. He spends his days romping around our property in Missouri, where he has an acre and a half of it fenced. He is never very far from me, always at my feet or side. He has made us laugh on a daily basis, and besides wanting to eat all the time, he enjoys playing with our other dog McGwire. This is one Special Spotted Boy!!

    Although he did not have a very good start in his life, it is amazing how the soul of a dog can always forgive and be there giving that unconditional love no matter what. Hope you enjoy our spotted clown!! He is forever tearing up the toilet paper, but we love him and glad he is an important part of our family.

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