Dog of the Day

February 20, 2005

Today's Dog
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Brandy, the Dog of the Day
Name: Brandy
Age: Six years old
Gender: Female Breed: Redbone Coonhound,
Australian Shepherd mix
Home: Orillia, Ontario, Canada
   This is Brandy, our very special Coonhound cross. We rescued her from the OSPCA two years ago when she was four years old after she had been returned twice. She was afraid of many things, especially any "beeping" noises like cameras and microwaves, also squeaky toys, thunder, musical instruments, and brooms to name a few! She really just needed a little training, a lot of unconditional love, and people to be around her every hour of the day as she had severe separation anxiety. No problem! We were the perfect family for her and two years later she is an unbelievably fabulous dog! She even learned how to play, something she didn't do for months after we got her. Now we also take her canoeing with our family in the summer.

    Unfortunately, being a hound, she will wander if we let her loose, so we have to be careful. We learned this the hard way, as last spring she was hit by a van near the one woods where we did let her go for a run. She is a very lucky dog in that she only damaged one back leg. After two operations she surprised even the vet by being almost 100% now.

    Brandy is still afraid of many things, especially those dreaded thunder storms, but she has gotten used to the beeping of my camera as we've taken hundreds of pictures of her. She puts up with, and perhaps even likes, our two cats Kenzie and Cleo, and she loves the kids. No dog has ever been loved and hugged more than Brandy, she is very special.

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