Dog of the Day

July 16, 2005

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Duke, the Dog of the Day
Name: Duke
Age: One year old
Gender: Female Breed: Bloodhound
Home: Corona, California, USA
   This is Duke. She is a one-year-old female - yes, she's a girl, don't let the name fool you - Bloodhound. Duke is the most interesting dog I have ever come across not only because of her great looks, but also because of her quirky personality. Most people would think a Bloodhound is a lazy, well manner dog, who never wakes up. Well this is almost true! Duke loves to sleep (don't get me wrong) but when she is awake, she is a handful. She is energetic in the most ungraceful sort of way. She tromps through the yard like an elephant who has been injured, but you can see in her eyes, she thinks she looks like a the most sleek, swift creature ever put on this earth. She adores the cats and the naked rat that keep her company. She is defiantly a mommy at heart! Duke gets along great with most dogs and she is ecstatic about children. The higher pitched the voice the happier Duke is. Though I have tried very hard to train this dog, she is very stubborn. She knows some tricks, but we really leave it up to her whether or not she would like to do them. Usually food helps get the job done. When I take her hiking, she leads the way. Never underestimated the power of the Bloodhound's nose. Even though she is just a pup, she had found our cats when they have escaped from the house on several occasions. Duke is a joy to have in the family, despite her downfalls. We love her and would not give her up for the world.

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