Dog of the Day

September 17, 2005

Today's Dog
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Buster, the Dog of the Day
Name: Buster
Age: One year old
Gender: Male Breed: Coonhound
Home: Butte, Montana, USA
   This is Buster Brown, our coonhound. Buster brightens up my day every day of the week. He has the most expressive face that I have ever seen in a dog. He is so cute, and he has a wonderful sense of humour. He loves people once he gets to know them. We adopted Buster when he was two to three months old and he has became a beloved family member. What is so funny that he gives kisses with his whole nose, that makes him very unique. He is a sweetheart, he loves to go for walks, car rides, he loves to chew on our pant legs, and of course, he loves food - he is a hound, after all. I don't know what we'd do without Buster, he brightens up everyone's day, even when you're really down. Buster is a joy to have around.

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