Dog of the Day

February 17, 2006

Today's Dog
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Shiloh, the Dog of the Day
Name: Shiloh
Age: Three years old
Gender: Male Breed: German Shepherd
Home: Vermillion, South Dakota, USA
   Shiloh was the first and best purchase I made after I moved into my new house. And although my cat wasn't as enthused about the addition to the family, they eventually achieved an uneasy truce... Shiloh could never figure out why the cat didn't want to play with him. Here is Shiloh in his favorite place... the car with the top down. This picture was taken during a recent road trip we took, where he literally spent eight days hanging over the side of the convertible while I took in the sights. Other than getting over-excited whenever we encountered livestock or wildlife, and one incident where he actually jumped out and chased cows that were loose on the road, (for which we had had to stop) he's great in the car. And we certainly get a lot of smiles from oncoming vehicles we meet when they see him either hanging over the side, or standing on the console with his head up over the top of the windshield. We are more careful, since that incident, though, and make sure he is secured safely.

    Shiloh is lots of fun and is a great companion although we spend a lot of time trying to work out who the boss is. He's a little too smart and stubborn for my own good but I guess that's part of his charm. He's very affectionate and thinks he's a lapdog, all 100 pounds of him. Shiloh is also a bit of a drama queen (or would that be king?) and he makes me chuckle every time he lets out one of his human-like deep heavy sighs that are his way of letting me know that he thinks he's not getting enough attention. He certainly keeps life interesting!

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