Dog of the Day

June 24, 2006

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Jimm, the Dog of the Day
Name: Jimm
Age: Two years old
Gender: Male Breed: Cirneco dell'Etna
Home: Velenje, Slovenia, Europe
   His name is Giltedged for Jimm - we call him Jimm for short. This is Jimm at one year, he's Cirneco dell'Etna a rare breed from Sicily, Italy. Posing for the camera is his third favorite sport (right after sleeping and eating).

    Jimm is everything you could wish in a dog. He loves us unconditionally (he loves us the most when he's hungry and we have his food). When he begs us for more meat, he pulls his stomach in, so he looks even thinner he is, so we would think "Oh my god, Jimm is so thin, let's give him some more meat." Yeah, we fell for that one a couple of times, but not any more. He has tons of ideas like this.

    He is also very good guard dog, for example... we live in a flat, so he knows all of our neighbors. But once one of our neighbors bought herself new shoes, and he didn't recognize her footsteps any more, and he freaked out when she came home. If that's not a watch dog I don't know what is!

   We love him very much, he's our guardian angel.

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