Dog of the Day

March 1, 2006

Today's Dog
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Yhetti, the Dog of the Day
Name: Yhetti
Age: Seven years old
Gender: Female Breed: American Eskimo
Home: Courtenay, British Columbia, Canada
   This is a picture of Yhetti, she is a seven-year-old American Eskimo and she lives in Courtenay British Columbia, which is on Vancouver Island... She should be honored because she is very obedient and she loves treats. We can't even say the word or her ears are a mile high. She can run so fast we haven't yet met a dog that can catch her!

    She is a very affectionate girl, loves to be loved. She is very close to everyone in the household and really can't bring herself to settle if someone is not home in the evening. She will also let you know when it is time for the school bus at 2:00 pm. That is her favorite time of the day, going to the bus stop.

    Tricks? Yhetti can sit, give you a high five with both paws, and roll over with a finger command. She also loves to dance for you, if you have a "treat"... That's our own little Yhetti.

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