Dog of the Day

November 19, 2006

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Simon, the Dog of the Day
Name: Simon
Age: Deceased, Fifteen years old
Gender: Male Breed: Dog
Home: Florida, USA
   Simon Peter Reichert was born eighteen months prior to the time he entered the home and hearts of the Reichert family. He had been featured as the "Pet of the Week" in the Tallahassee Democrat the month before and had been adopted by a nice young FSU college student. That student soon realized that a full time schedule of classes, a full time job, and a one bedroom apartment did not suit a young, exuberant, and people-friendly 27-pound dog. Thus, Simon ended up back in the Tallahassee Democrat - this time in the classifieds with "free to a good home" attached.

    About this same time, a young mother of three small boys was carefully perusing said ads looking for just the right pet for her family of five. She had in her mind to find a terrier mix along the lines of Benji from the movie, and she had been diligently looking for a few months when she noticed the ad about a terrier mix in the paper. The timing was perfect as the less than enthusiastic about owning a dog dad/husband of the family was out of town on business. Her plan (okay-plot) was to have said pet firmly established as a family member prior to his return.

    A few phone calls later, the boys and their mom were on their way to meet Simon. They walked into the apartment and sat down. Simon greeted them with a smile and a tail wag. He came over to the mom, put his paws on her knee, then laid his sweet head on her lap and looked up at her with soulful brown eyes. He was way bigger than her Benji image, with reddish fur and a sturdy frame, but there was no way the Reicherts were leaving that day without Simon ... and so it was.

    He was such a good dog. He loved to run, he loved to eat, he loved to visit the neighbor dogs , and most of all, he loved us. He was so well mannered and polite. He was friendly to a fault. He was a great predictor of the weather ... we always knew when a thunderstorm was headed our direction because Simon would end up shivering in the bathroom behind the toilet well before its arrival.

    I remember his first Christmas with us. We had carefully selected and wrapped his gifts and placed them under the tree. He just as carefully ferreted them out and opened them one by one ... careful not to disturb any of the other gifts. He was so smart and so sweet and such a good dog.

    I always bragged to everyone that we got the most wonderful dog for free. Then came the day that Simon tried to jump the chain link fence, became tangled, and broke his leg. Our free dog quickly became our $500 dog ... but I would have paid ten times that to keep him healthy and with us. He survived the surgery and the indignity of the big cone around his neck to keep him from tearing at the bandages. He never did learn his lesson about jumping fences - we just had to get a bigger fence. He then learned how to open the gate (we nicknamed him The Houdini Dog), and we learned to keep it locked.

    Over the years, he was a dear companion, a friend to all three boys and dad Phil, and a comfort to me. He got slower and grayer and gradually lost his hearing, but he never lost his enthusiasm for life or his love and devotion for us. He was a sweet and gentle soul, and our lives were enriched and blessed by his presence.

    On Friday, March 10, 2006, Simon Peter Reichert quietly left us. He will be remembered with smiles and head shakes and a tear or two. It's the end of an age. He was kind enough to grace us with his friendship and love for fourteen years, and we - each one of us - are the better for it. He will remain in our hearts, and he will be missed.

Talk about today's dog in Pet Talk!