Dog of the Day

February 16, 2007

Today's Dog
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Bella, the Dog of the Day
Name: Bella
Age: Fourteen weeks old
Gender: Female Breed: Chihuahua
Home: Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia, Canada
   This is Bella. She came to us from a breeder in Alabama, USA all the way to Nova Scotia, Canada on Continental Airlines. We named her Bella because she is so beautiful. We are so happy to have her in our family.

    Bella loves to bounce around and run around the house. She loves playing with socks and chasing our feet. She is very smart and learned how to sit very quickly. She is quite timid when meeting new people, but we are trying to introduce her to as many people as possible so she is well socialized. She also loves to ride in the car and loves to play with our Cat Harvey. He likes Bella but gets annoying when she starts playing hard with him (play fighting). She has a dog carrier (purse) but she isn't big enough to see out of the opening yet. We love her so much!

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