Dog of the Day

March 10, 2008

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Shiva, the Dog of the Day
Name: Shiva
Age: Eleven months old
Gender: Female Breed: Dachshund
Home: California, USA
   This is Shiva, a cream-colored doxie. She was born March 16, 2007, the last of the litter. She is special because of her color. Her Mom and Dad were black and tan, her siblings were black and tan and she came out in a cream color. She is such a smart little doxie, too. She was paper trained at three months old!!

    Her personality is absolutely infectious. She loves to be hugged and just can't get enough of it and she hugs back! When I get home from work she runs up to me and hugs my legs and won't let go until I pick her for her lavish kisses! She loves to tease her adopted siblings, Penny and Sienna into playing with her by nibbling at their legs. And she is a mediator! When Penny and Sienna are at outs with each other, Shiva gets in between them and starts licking them both until they stop growling!!

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