Dog of the Day

October 13, 2008

Today's Dog
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Chloe, the Dog of the Day
Name: Chloe
Age: Seven years old
Gender: Female Breed: Maltese mix
Home: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
   This is our little dog Chloe, who is a Maltese, Pomeranian and Lhasa Apso mix. She is our seven year old cheeky little dog. She's a loud and excitable companion and enjoys nothing more than a Schmackos dog treat. If the word 'walk' is mentioned in a radius nearby then she will jump for joy. She puts on a courageous front but is actually very shy around other dogs.

    Our house is littered with rubber balls because Chloe absolutely loves to play fetch. She's very attached to the family, especially our indoor cat Muffin. Together they're an unstoppable team. Chloe finds it fascinating to look out of our main window so we bought a little bench that she can sit on and enjoy the view. When a member of the family gets sick, Chloe takes care of them like a little fluffy nurse. She will sit next to them and keep them company until they recover. Chloe knows a number of tricks including the basics like sit and stay but she can also count by barking. Since the day we found her in the pet shop, our lives have been filled with joy. Our family definitely wouldn't be the same without our little princess Chloe.

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